Vacation Rentals with Pickleball Courts - Stay Where You Play

Hidden Dunes Beach & Tennis Resort Managed by Ocean Reef
Vacation Condos - Miramar Beach
Tennis & Pickleball Center
Open 7 Days a Week
Daily (except Sunday)
Open Play Pickleball 9 - 11 am.

Resorts of Pelican Beach
Destin - Gulf Front & Gulf View Resort
1 Pickleball Court & 2 Tennis & Courts
Pickleball court lines painted on tennis one court. The court is available on a first-come basis.
Pickleball Courts Open to the Public & Your Best Options for a Drop-In Game.
Buck Destin Park - Public Park Destin
724 Legion Dr, Destin, FL 32541
2 outside Pickleball courts, free to access.
Destin Community Center - Public Pickleball Courts Destin
101 Stahlman Ave, Destin, FL 32541
Hidden Dunes Resort - Miramar Beach
9815 US 98, Miramar Beach, FL 32550
Pickleball Court Fee $20 an hour. Morning open play Monday through Saturday from 9 - 11 am. Afternoon open play Monday and Wednesday 3 - 5 pm.
Say at Hidden Dunes Resort - Ocean Reef Vacation Rentals
Destin United Methodist Church - Life Center - Destin
M/W/F (when school is out) 9 - 11 am, $5 per player.
4 indoor Pickleball courts that are wheelchair accessible.
Join in with other players. Members of the public can access the facility during designated hours to join in some friendly competition.
Performance Pickleball Academy - Fort Walton Beach
224 Holmes Boulevard Northwest, Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Jet Drive Park - Public Pickleball Courts Fort Walton Beach
224 Holmes Blvd NW, Fort Walton Beach
Pickup play 8 outdoor public courts.
Mooney Drive
824 Country Club Ave NE, Fort Walton Beach
6 outdoor courts, no reservations, no charge.
Bluewater Bay Tennis & Pickleball - Membership Only - Niceville
8 Pickleball courts.
Bluewater Bay, Oakmond Drive.
Seascape Destin - Miramar Beach
6 clay Pickleball courts.
Weekday group play on weekdays.
The times vary by season, ranging from mornings and late afternoons in the winter months to 7 pm - 9 pm in the summer months.
Play is on a first-come basis. If people are waiting, please limit your play to 1 hour total for singles or 1.5 hours for doubles.
Walton Sports Complex - South Walton
4 outdoor Pickleball Courts.
6435 US Highway 98 E, Santa Rosa Beach, FL
The courts are free and can be reserved.